The concept:
Weekly Challenges

Weekly Challenges

The second part of the concept is the platform where the target audience can do weekly challenges to continuously learn about this technology through challenges or from colleagues. These two reasons are the main goals to accomplish with this platform. I choose weekly challenges as within the creative departments they have a similar activity to try out new technologies. Here they have a set amount of hours where they learn something new and share their findings with colleagues. This is without a client so they have no real requirements. Not only that but a case study where the target audience needs to create a product is always perceived as fun.

Weekly challenges will be similar where there will be each week a new challenge with generative AI. If you are interested you can join this challenge and share the final outputs with colleagues. A vote will be held and the winners will be given a batch on their portfolio. stand. There will be a set time for each challenge to complete and to vote. The platform is fitting to the work culture of sharing and learning from each other.


One of the main problems when creating a platform to learn about generative AI is that AI is constantly evolving. For this reason the platform should scale with this evolving technology. Right now challenges are mostly about real-life work scenarios but in the future the target audience might already know this information. For this reason the challenges are open to the community to choose what they want to create and learn, keeping it relevant even in the future.

The platform can also be used to build client portfolios with generative AI. Showing clients what can be done with generative AI may make it possible in the future to experiment and collaborate with. Opening new business opportunities.




A userflow was created to get a clear idea of the general flow of the platform and think about what pages needed to be designed.

Figure 2: Userflow join a challenge


Wireframes were created to visualize the underlying connection between pages and what content needed to be on each page.

Figure 3: Wireframing the weekly challenges platform

Validation & Usability test

As the wireframes were completed a clickable prototype was created to test the overall usability of the platform and the general experience. The test was held with seven persons within the creative department and one from customer experience.

Go to the test


The platform was found very intuitive, and clear and almost everyone completed the scenarios quickly. Some adjustments that were made were:

  • See past challenges
  • A button to start the challenge after reading the challenge details
  • Share profile or content with colleagues
  • Adding an onboarding
  • Other small adjustments

  • The overall experience of the platform was good. The end-users found the idea of the platform very interesting and would like to try it out. They told us this platform would fit right in with their work culture. The platform looked modern, innovative, fun, and a clean overall look.

    Figure 4: Iterations on the wireframe

    High-fidelity prototype

    After conducting the test a high-fidelity prototype was created. This prototype shows the realistic preview of the final product. This prototype was shown to stakeholders and were very impressed with the final end product. A final test was conducted before I finally moved on to the realization of a POC.

    Go to the prototype

    Figure 5: High-fidelity prototype weekly challenges

    Proof of Concept (POC)

    The high-fidelity prototype formed a strong basis for the eventual realization of a POC. The POC will be created to eventually test the effectiveness of learning generative AI through weekly challenges.

    The code consists of HTML, SCSS, Javascript, and PHP. These languages were chosen because Anouk and I are both experienced in them and the development department also uses them. It was chosen to put the code on GitHub. Through version control, I can safeguard the code and make it easily transferable to the next group.

    Go to the GitHub page

    Figure 6: Realisation of the POC

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